Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1. We will present our PROJECTS on Thursday by means of a "paseo de proyectos", or gallery walk.  On Friday, volunteers will deliver mini-presentations for extra credit.

2. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you will have time to do the following:
- Complete the CLASS SURVEYhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HWMGJJJ
- Make any necessary changes to your FINAL PROJECT
- Complete Castle Learning assignment: Final Review 2

3. The Castle Learning assignment: Final Review 2 contains 100 questions and counts for 50 points.  It will be open from May 28 -  June 4.

4. We will have one last REVIEW EXAM on Wednesday, June 5 on vocabulary from Spanish II.  Use www.classzone.com to review the vocabulary from Units 1 & 2 from the the orange book.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Computer Lab: Thursday, May 16 & other important announcements

We will be in the computer lab on Thursday, May 16 to complete the Castle Learning assignment "Final Review 1".  It contains 100 questions, it's worth 50 points, and it will close on Monday, May 20.

On Tuesday, May 21, we will have a review exam on all vocabulary from Spanish 1.  You may review vocabulary by going to www.classzone.com.  I recommend looking through the flashcards, then completing practice activities.

You must complete the SPEAKING section of the Spanish Regents Exam between May 20-31.  Make an appointment with your assigned teacher:
period 1 - Ms. Holmes
period 5 - Ms. Ortiz
periods 6 & 8 - Mr. DiSanto

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mini-proyecto: ODA A _________

In the spirit of Pablo Neruda's "Oda al tomate" (and also "Oda al diccionario" by Anonymous), create an original "Ode to [something]" in Spanish.  Your ODE should be approximately 16 lines; try to follow a consistent rhythm and add rhyme when possible).

We will present our odes in class on Friday, May 3.  For your presentation, you must display text of your ode on the Smartboard so that your classmates can follow along as you read aloud.

You can use Word or Powerpoint, as long as you include:
- a page or slide with 5 new vocab words
- the text of your "oda"
- you may choose to add a picture, but be sure that the text is visible to your audience

If you are all done creating and practicing your ode, you may spend the remainder of the time in the computer lab working on the Castle Learning that will close this Friday, or you may explore any of the other Spanish-related sites on the class blog.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Computer Lab: April 30

Use this time in the computer lab to complete the assigned Castle Learning activity, a practice Regents exam.

The NYC Spanish Regents Exam is on June 17, and we will start administering the speaking section during the week of May 20. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Poem in Your Pocket Day (Poema en el bolsillo)

Vamos a celebrar "Poem in Your Pocket Day" este jueves y viernes.

Select a poem in Spanish, carry it with you, and share it with at least 10 others throughout the day. You can also share your poem selection on Twitter by using the hashtag #pocketpoem.

We'll share our poems aloud in small groups in class on Friday, so please print out 5 copies of your poem so that your buddies can read along with you.  Please try to format your poem in a word document so that you use less paper (Earth Day is coming soon, too!).

To earn points for your participation in Poem in Your Pocket Day, keep a list of the at least 10 others to whom you read your poem aloud during the day.  Have them sign or initial as proof that you read the poem aloud to them.  Forgery will anger the Muses...

The goal of this assignment is just for everyone to have a pleasant, meaningful experience with at least one poem -- so have fun!!

Suggested web resources:


Nombre de lector: Mr. DiSanto
Titulo del poema: Me gustas cuando callas
Nombre del poeta y pais de origen: Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Chile

Please sign below to indicate that (your name) has read his/her poem aloud to you in Spanish in honor of Poem in Your Pocket Day 2013.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Computer lab: Monday, March 18

Unidad 4 of our textbook takes place in Madrid, Spain.  During Unidad 4, we have learned vocabulary to describe things in the HOUSE, the NEIGHBORHOOD, and words and expressions for going SHOPPING.

Use www.classzone.com - the website that goes along with our textbook - to learn more about the rich culture and interesting historical sites of Madrid.  Complete the SELF-CHECK QUIZ and the LINK ACTIVITY for each of the three etapas in Unidad 4.

Our next quiz will include cultural information from the website and our class readings.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Dear Parent/Guardian:

You are cordially invited to our Parent/Teacher Conferences, which will be held on the following days:

                                    Thursday, March 14           5:30PM – 8:00 PM
                                    [Friday, March 15                 12:30PM – 2:30PM]
Unfortunately, I will not be available for conferences on Friday.  If you are unable to attend on Thursday but would like to see me, please contact me at disanto.nicholas@gmail.com and I will be happy to schedule an appointment with you at another time.

As always, you may contact me with any questions at disanto.nicholas@gmail.com.


Mr. DiSanto

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Computer Lab - Feb. 28


Use CLASSZONE to practice with the SUBJUNTIVE in Spanish.

- Type http://www.classzone.com/ in the web browser (the link from the blog doesn't work because of the firewall)
- Go to En Español 2 (orange book)
- Click "Student Tools"
- Click "Online Workbook"
- Click "Unit 3"
- Complete all activities in Etapa 3 on all difficulty levels (basic, average, challenge)

You will earn 10 points for your on-task participation in the computer lab. 
If you finish with CLASSZONE early, you may explore any other SPANISH-related website that is linked to the blog (i.e. Freerice, Quia, NY1Noticias, etc.).

- Estudiar para la prueba el viernes sobre el subjuntivo

Thursday, January 17, 2013

HW for Regents week

1. Complete Castle Learning "NYS Regents June 2008".  The assignment will be open 1/18 - 1/25. 

2. During Friday's class we will read an article about inaugural poet Richard Blanco as well as some of his poetry.  He will be reading an original poem at President Obama's inauguration on Monday, January 21.  Watch it!

3. Practice vocabulary by using any of the sites linked to the blog and/or watching/listening to TV, movies, and music in Spanish.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Revising and typing "LA RUTINA DIARIA" (50 puntos)

In class we began the writing process of a Regents-like essay in which you describe someone's daily routine, or what they do everyday.  Your essay should be approximately 120 words IN SPANISH, and you must use 8 different REFLEXIVE VERBS.

Use this time in the computer lab to revise, edit, type, and polish your "RUTINA DIARIA" story.  We will share our essays with the rest of the class on THURSDAY, January 10.

1. Open a WORD document and set it in Spanish [Tools, Languages, Spanish (any)]

2. Use the spellcheck and grammar features as well as http://www.wordreference.com/ to help you revise any mistakes.  On your paper, be sure to include your name, a title for your story, and a picture that goes along with it.  Please underline or put the verbs in bold.  Double-space your document, but please keep it to ONE page, if possible.

3. Be sure to include accent marks [CTRL + ' + AEIOU] and ñ [ALT + 164].

4. Save your work, print your final draft (30 points), and staple the first draft (10 points) and peer edit (10 points) behind it. 

Your essay will be graded according to the Regents rubric: vocabulary, organization, grammar, task.

The essay includes a variety of relevant vocabulary in Spanish, is well-organized, follows grammar conventions (especially verb conjugation), and addresses the task appropriately.  Additionally, the essay includes a description of “un día diferente”, using another verb tense with reflexives*.
The essay includes a variety of relevant vocabulary in Spanish, is well-organized, follows grammar conventions (especially verb conjugation), and addresses the task appropriately. 
The essay includes a relevant Spanish vocabulary relevant to the task, but there is a lack or organization and/or several grammar mistakes, including verb conjugation.
The essay uses NON-SPANISH or does not include adequate vocabulary, is poorly organized, and/or includes grammar errors that impede comprehension.
The essay does not complete the task, is incomprehensible, or uses a translator.

Here is an example of the CHALLENGE part, which is necessary in order to earn an "A":

* Normalmente Snooki tiene una rutina muy aburrida, pero ayer fue diferente.  Ella se despertó muy temprano y fue al museo.  Ella no se bronceó; ella pasó el día leyendo un libro.  Puesto que la ropa estaba limpia, ella visitó a su abuelita y juntas cocinaron una paella.  ¡Ayer fue un día muy divertido para Snooki!