Thursday, February 28, 2013

Computer Lab - Feb. 28


Use CLASSZONE to practice with the SUBJUNTIVE in Spanish.

- Type in the web browser (the link from the blog doesn't work because of the firewall)
- Go to En Español 2 (orange book)
- Click "Student Tools"
- Click "Online Workbook"
- Click "Unit 3"
- Complete all activities in Etapa 3 on all difficulty levels (basic, average, challenge)

You will earn 10 points for your on-task participation in the computer lab. 
If you finish with CLASSZONE early, you may explore any other SPANISH-related website that is linked to the blog (i.e. Freerice, Quia, NY1Noticias, etc.).

- Estudiar para la prueba el viernes sobre el subjuntivo